


Custom Online Marketplace Development Services

Fively software experts know how to turn tons of data gathering and examination into the process of successful business⁠-⁠oriented marketplace development.

Custom Features for Marketplace Website Development

Custom marketplace solutions created by Fively not only help you to attract a great number of customers and improve your business profitability but provide your solution with the following beneficial options:


Fast registration and login:

a variety of handy options for customers including E-mail, password, social networks, or two⁠-⁠factor authorization with SMS


Smart website administration:

creating, editing and validation of personal and company data, analytical reports and statistics, creating company roles, and restricting access rights


Logistics management of products:

quick adding, editing, and categorizing of products and customers, custom data search, filtering and sorting


Personalized notifications:

instant notifications, email, SMS messaging, and push notifications with flexible android and ios messaging app development

Online payments

Swift online payments:

the ability to link a credit card, integration with payment systems, various payment options, viewing and managing transactions, payment history and cancellation


Clear social interaction:

on⁠-⁠demand marketplace app development with chats for suppliers and clients, the option of leaving personal reviews and comments, and creating ratings

We Are Marketplace Website Developers

Our dedicated expert team will make your web platform business⁠-⁠tailored using the following smart software tools and technologies:

Security-first approach

We place data privacy and protection of personal information at the top of our priorities, and build marketplaces with cutting⁠-⁠edge cybersecurity technologies:

  • data backups
  • server resistant to hacker attacks: injection, XSS, CSRF
  • SSL set by default

Adaptability in mind

Our marketplaces work smooth and fast on all types of platforms, servers, and devices, including tablets and smartphones on iOS:

  • page load time is less than 3 seconds
  • prefetch of soon⁠-⁠to⁠-⁠be⁠-⁠needed resources
  • CDN, cache, compressing HTML/CSS
  • independent connectivity

High load architecture

Our marketplace and social network solutions run effectively with high traffic and intense user activity due to scalable architecture design:

  • pre⁠-⁠built static generation
  • follow PRPL pattern: push, render, pre⁠-⁠cache, lazy⁠-⁠load
  • devOps best standards

User⁠-⁠friendly UI

We test our custom platform solutions and choose the best suiting option of marketplace design to strengthen a loyal customer base and reach the target audience:

  • intuitive UI and enhanced UX
  • easy navigation and push notifications
  • responsive layout

Security⁠-⁠first approach

We place data privacy and protection of personal information at the top of our priorities, and build marketplaces with cutting⁠-⁠edge cybersecurity technologies:

  • data backups
  • server resistant to hacker attacks: injection, XSS, CSRF
  • SSL set by default

Adaptability in mind

Our marketplaces work smooth and fast on all types of platforms, servers, and devices, including tablets and smartphones on iOS:

  • page load time is less than 3 seconds
  • prefetch of soon⁠-⁠to⁠-⁠be⁠-⁠needed resources
  • CDN, cache, compressing HTML/CSS
  • independent connectivity

High load architecture

Our marketplace and social network solutions run effectively with high traffic and intense user activity due to scalable architecture design:

  • pre⁠-⁠built static generation
  • follow PRPL pattern: push, render, pre⁠-⁠cache, lazy⁠-⁠load
  • devOps best standards

User⁠-⁠friendly UI

We test our custom platform solutions and choose the best suiting option of marketplace design to strengthen a loyal customer base and reach the target audience:

  • intuitive UI and enhanced UX
  • easy navigation and push notifications
  • responsive layout

Marketplace Development Process

Fively as a development company creates social network and marketplace solutions of different types: B2B (business to business), B2C (business to consumer), C2C (consumer to consumer), P2P (peer to peer), as well as a multi⁠-⁠⁠vendor marketplace, and market networks in several steps:


UI/UX design

We analyze your business needs and goals, your target audience andcultural peculiarities, and propose you the appropriate architecture and design of your marketplace platform solution


MVP development

Fively marketplace developers build an MVP of the future marketplace to demonstrate you how it will work and to discuss with you all the technical and visual improvements and amendments


Code optimization

We make a thorough code review on possible bugs that slow down performance to optimize it and make our marketplace a user-friendly and robust platform



When your marketplace app development is finished, we continue to provide you with technical support to eliminate the risk of possible bugs and any other technical issues

Marketplace Development Success Stories

Our experienced engineers have been developing high-quality marketplaces and other tailored e⁠-⁠⁠commerce solutions since 2018. Take a look at our latest projects for this industry.

A Shopify Case Study. Abandoned Cart Recovery Solution: MessageBuy

A Shopify Case Study. Abandoned Cart Recovery Solution: MessageBuy

A Shopify case study on abandoned cart recovery solution development with personalized SMS notification, that increased consumers' conversion by 40%.

Data-Driven Real Estate Visualization and Property Search Implementation

Data-Driven Real Estate Visualization and Property Search Implementation

Our engineers have built a data-driven real estate platform to help brokers and property owners strike win-win investment decisions in New York.

Custom Wine and Spirits Website: BaronWines

Custom Wine and Spirits Website: BaronWines

Our engineers have developed a wine and spirits website that helps the family-run business sell their best vintages to the world.

A Chrome Extension for Invoice Workflow Processing: Garmentier

A Chrome Extension for Invoice Workflow Processing: Garmentier

Fively created a chrome extension for invoice workflow processing that provided customers with a personalized experience and allowed to increase sales up to 77%.

Data Management Platform for a Real Estate Services Aggregator

Data Management Platform for a Real Estate Services Aggregator

An all-in-one data management platform case study for a household management services and apartment rental platform.

Magento CMS Customization: an eCommerce Company

Magento CMS Customization: an eCommerce Company

Fively provided Magento CMS customization services for a company to create a brand-new website with recurring payments integration.

E-commerce Platform Development: an Ultimate Online Stores Customization

E-commerce Platform Development: an Ultimate Online Stores Customization

Our specialists created a revolutionizing solution for eCommerce platform development, which allows building your own custom e-store in several minutes.

IT Solutions for the Pharmaceutical Industry: DermSource

IT Solutions for the Pharmaceutical Industry: DermSource

Our specialists created a revolutionizing product platform with custom CMS, promoting IT solutions for the pharmaceutical industry throughout the USA.

A Profit Recovery Platform for eCommerce: SellerBench

A Profit Recovery Platform for eCommerce: SellerBench

We helped to create a game-changing profit recovery platform enabling stores with 3 times faster and easier revenue cash back than the competition.

A Marketplace Development Solution: Making a Review Website

A Marketplace Development Solution: Making a Review Website

Fively software specialists took part in making a complex multipurpose review website for a rapidly growing online marketplace company.

CMS Development for a Product Ordering Website

CMS Development for a Product Ordering Website

Fively engineers built from scratch a custom CMS for product ordering website, which significantly facilitated the way people and organizations buy water.

Assuring Quality for Supply Chain Management Tool: Opply

Assuring Quality for Supply Chain Management Tool: Opply

We delivered top-tier QA services to Opply, ensuring the flawless performance of a modern supply chain management tool with over 1.2 million of daily users.

Online Marketplace Development Services Costs

Costs of a custom social network or a marketplace solution creation are built of several parts:


Our developers build a rough technical prototype of the future marketplace solution to give you a basic idea of how your future app will function.


We make an engaging custom design for your app with the catching GUI, user⁠-⁠friendly interface, and improved overall flexibility to attract as many customers as possible to your solution.


It is the final stage of our work when we implement all your ideas and our suggested design into a ready⁠-⁠made application with coding and cloud servers options, including custom mobile marketplace development if needed.

Need project cost estimation?

Contact us, and we will schedule a free consult for you.

Tech Stack for Custom Marketplace Development

Using our expertise we build custom marketplaces and social networks solutions with cutting⁠-⁠⁠edge technologies and tools, combining them in stacks for a better result:









Marketplaces: Key Data and Statistics

Marketplaces have seen substantial growth in recent years, with platforms like Amazon, eBay, and Alibaba leading the market. This expansion is fueled by factors such as growing consumer trust, the convenience of online shopping, and the extensive range of products available. Find more useful statistics on marketplaces below.





Our Industry Expertise in Online Marketplace Development Solutions

We as a marketplace development company has gained profound technical in⁠-⁠⁠⁠house expertise and business insights in the following domains and niches:

Real Estate

Real estate agents need to provide their customers with the best possible experience to build trust and boost their KPIs. We help them by creating catching user⁠-⁠friendly property listing portals, online renting solutions, and websites for realtors.

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Media & Entertainment

Media corporations strive for providing customers with an ultimate online experience to earn their loyalty and subscription. We help them in this through building top-market video streaming platforms, secure telecommunication tools and state⁠-⁠of⁠-⁠the⁠-⁠art CRM systems.

We created a CRM platform for power bank rental Volt , allowing you to track purchases, customers, and their actions. Has a hardware integration of NFC reading via Bluetooth and a distributed backend system to prevent data loss.

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Insurance agents want to get solutions aimed at improving customer experience, streamlining base management, and optimizing financial operations. Fively does it by creating smart B2C payments management and robust policies processing platforms.

We are proud to show you an innovative billing insurance platform Zentist leveraging machine learning algorithms and robotics process automation.

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Cyber Security

It’s vitally important for every company to protect its internal and customer information from being misused. We do it by creating cyber security browser extensions, smart assets management, and anti⁠-⁠fraud solutions.

Please check out a browser extension for a cybersecurity company Uniqkey protecting organizations against cyberattacks through identity, access, and secure password management.

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Marketplaces want to raise sales and increase customer loyalty, making shopping a pleasurable experience. We help them by creating engaging platforms, order management tools, and online shopping solutions.

Take a look at the Shopify extension MessageBuy, which allows to engage with consumers 1:1, upsell on existing orders, and recover abandoned shopping carts via personalized SMS and MMS notification.

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Marketing and advertising agencies want to streamline and personalize their ads campaigns, improve customer experience, and boost lead generation KPIs. We make this possible with robust marketing automation tools, email extensions, online chats, and chatbots.

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Frequently Asked Questions

What is meant by a digital marketplace?

A digital marketplace is a web platform that helps to connect buyers seeking a service or product with sellers or providers of those products or services. Some popular examples include websites like Amazon, eBay, AliExpress, etc.

What is the purpose of a marketplace?

A marketplace software solution is built to become an online place that people with various market interests or needs can visit any time they want for the immediate ordering, purchase, or sale of the wanted goods and services.

How to develop a marketplace?

We divided the complex process of marketplace creation into several stages to show how we as a development company develop marketplace solutions step by step:

  • Come with a bright marketplace solution idea: validate it, set the wanted periods, business goals, and KPIs you want to achieve as a result of your solution development;
  • Choose your platform business model and pricing level: decide with your marketing specialists upon your target audience, the optimal business plan and features for customers;
  • Build your Minimum Viable Platform (MVP): build the first working version of the future solution just to test how it will work and to do all the possible improvements and amendments;
  • Create your custom platform design: make an engaging design for your future app to attract customers to your solution with the catching GUI, user-friendly interface, and overall flexibility of the app;
  • Launch your platform and fix the arising bugs (if any): when the app is ready, arrange a thorough code review on possible bugs and drawbacks that slow down performance to optimize it and prevent future technical issues. Then, launch your platform;
  • Track your marketplace KPIs to reach your business goals: monitor customer behavior, analyze their activity, preferences, and choices through the given periods to tailor your platform options, try more profitable business plans, enrich loyal customer base, and raise overall business effectivity.

How much does a marketplace app development cost?

Any marketplace platform development costs depend on the number of functional features needed and engineers required for the software development. Marketplace app development can start from $45,000.

What is social networking?

Social networking is the way of using social media websites to stay connected with friends, family, colleagues, customers, business partners, and all like-minded people. Social networking can have a social, a business purpose, or both, like such services as Skype, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram, and other messaging app development companies.

What is the role of social media in developing networks?

Companies from eCommerce, retail, marketing, and numerous other domains have been utilizing social media resources such as Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, Quora, Medium, Behance, and others for years to cover the following important goals:

  • share company’s vision, purpose, and activities;
  • spread the news and stay interesting for their audience;
  • create loyal customer base;
  • attract new target audiences and customers;

Design and development for social networks can be aimed at one-way communication, such as sharing information and planning the logistics of company meetings, briefings, and sessions, and two-way communication, which is asking for community input, collecting valuable insights, sharing development visions and collective developing of particular strategies.

What are collaboration platforms?

A collaboration platform is a type of software that brings broad social networking capabilities to any work process, enabling humans to communicate and share documents, reports, and presentations online. Numerous companies use collaboration development to solve work-related problems such as ineffective communication, high paper overload, chaotic documents management, lost files, untimely reports, etc. There are three main types of collaboration software:

  • Communication: messaging app development solutions focused strictly on internal leam communications, such as group and company chats in Slack and similar platforms;
  • Conferencing: collaboration tools focused on conferencing, which include real-time communication with audio and video supply. Here all the participants share the same view, can take part in the discussion, comment, and reply to the speaker both in oral and written form. Usually, a single presenter controls the discussion, while the other participants provide input by commenting and sharing their experiences and insights. Zoom, Hangouts, and GoogleMeet are the bright examples of such platforms;
  • Coordination: coordination solutions are the youngest type of collaboration software to appear on the market, but they are experiencing the greatest level of popularity now due to extremely handy features. They help to manage complex interdependent and often remote working departments towards a shared business goal. Bright examples of such software are remote expert solutions provided by CISCO and IBM giants.

What is an example of a collaboration platform?

Popular types of collaboration platforms include solutions for:

  • Internal communication: team collaboration, department, and cross-departmental collaboration;
  • external communication: community collaboration, regional collaboration, and strategic alliance

Both these types should include such features as collaborating on shared company documents, tasks and projects, discussing work challenges, insights and best practices, arranging video calls, meetings, and briefings, brainstorming on issues with whiteboards, as well as keeping and structuring all the information gathered at one corporate online resource.

Some examples of services provided on collaboration platforms are emails, personal and group chats, calendars, discussion groups, video meetings, presentations, collaborative documents, etc. Zoom, Hangouts, Slack, Trello, Skype, Linkedin, Facebook, and others are bright examples of collaboration platforms.

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