

Web Portal

Custom Web Portal Development Services Company

Fively as a development company is devoted to creating robust and catching web portals. Every portal is customized to serve our clients’ goals and inspire their future users in various domains.

B2B Portal Development From Scratch

We combine smart technologies with the insight into our clients' business to create highly tailored solutions:

Patient portals

  • All patient’s data is structured and modified in real⁠-⁠time
  • No lost data through its secure storage and management
  • No need for queues with online patient requests
  • On⁠-⁠the⁠-⁠go insurance requests
  • Streamlined doctor⁠-⁠patient communication
  • Advanced collaboration of hospitals and medical laboratories

E-commerce portals

  • High personalization of buying experience
  • Facilitating of the ordering process
  • Automated buying⁠-⁠shipping circles
  • Data⁠-⁠driven analytics and customers segmentation
  • Multiple payment options
  • Increased brand awareness and customer loyalty

Vendor portals

  • Streamlined purchasing at better conditions
  • Transparent analysis and rating of vendors
  • Prices and quality comparison
  • Better local manufactures collaboration

E-learning portals

  • Comfortable learning content management
  • User⁠-⁠generated content
  • Personalized learning paths
  • Centralized assignments and tests
  • Easy communication between all participants

Community portals

  • Enhanced collaboration between users
  • Multiple communication forms: chats, forums, blogs, discussion panels
  • Built⁠-⁠in media files support
  • Secure information exchange

Collaboration portals

  • Structured sales information
  • Real⁠-⁠time order status tracking
  • Built⁠-⁠in calculations and inventory catalog
  • Advanced analytics and reports

Patient portals

  • All patient’s data is structured and modified in real⁠-⁠time
  • No lost data through its secure storage and management
  • No need for queues with online patient requests
  • On⁠-⁠the⁠-⁠go insurance requests
  • Streamlined doctor⁠-⁠patient communication
  • Advanced collaboration of hospitals and medical laboratories

E-commerce portals

  • High personalization of buying experience
  • Facilitating of the ordering process
  • Automated buying⁠-⁠shipping circles
  • Data⁠-⁠driven analytics and customers segmentation
  • Multiple payment options
  • Increased brand awareness and customer loyalty

Vendor portals

  • Streamlined purchasing at better conditions
  • Transparent analysis and rating of vendors
  • Prices and quality comparison
  • Better local manufactures collaboration

E-learning portals

  • Comfortable learning content management
  • User⁠-⁠generated content
  • Personalized learning paths
  • Centralized assignments and tests
  • Easy communication between all participants

Community portals

  • Enhanced collaboration between users
  • Multiple communication forms: chats, forums, blogs, discussion panels
  • Built⁠-⁠in media files support
  • Secure information exchange

Collaboration portals

  • Structured sales information
  • Real⁠-⁠time order status tracking
  • Built⁠-⁠in calculations and inventory catalog
  • Advanced analytics and reports

Web Portal Development Process


Choosing the portal architecture

We plan the configuration and the architecture of the portal aiming at its optimal performance.


Designing the proper user interface

We create a portal interface that combines our client's desires with the needs of future users.


Enabling the portal’s work on multiple devices

Our engineers work on portal optimization so it could work well on all possible kinds of platforms, browsers, and devices.


Providing further maintenance and support

We monitor our customer portal performance, answer all your possible questions and manage all the arising issues and configuration changes (if any).

Discover Our Custom Web Portal Development Services

Our web portal developers build state⁠-⁠⁠of⁠-⁠⁠the⁠-⁠⁠art portal software using a custom approach and unique architecture in each development case. Check our projects to discover how your application idea can turn into the top market web portal solution.

Identity-Access Management Automation: Uniqkey

Identity-Access Management Automation: Uniqkey

We have created an identity and access management automation system that is recommended for use even by the association of Danish Auditors.

Custom Wine and Spirits Website: BaronWines

Custom Wine and Spirits Website: BaronWines

Our engineers have developed a wine and spirits website that helps the family-run business sell their best vintages to the world.

A Shopify Case Study. Abandoned Cart Recovery Solution: MessageBuy

A Shopify Case Study. Abandoned Cart Recovery Solution: MessageBuy

A Shopify case study on abandoned cart recovery solution development with personalized SMS notification, that increased consumers' conversion by 40%.

Financial Management Accounting System Development

Financial Management Accounting System Development

A developed from a scratch financial management accounting system that automated the business owners’ workflow by 70% and helped CEOs make data-driven strategic decisions.

Choose a Perfect Tech Stack

We use our expertise to combine web portal development software in well⁠-⁠fitted stacks. It allows us to create a reliable backbone for your project and cover your business goals:









Not sure what you need?

Contact us, and we will help you to make the right choice.

B2B Portal vs. Mobile App

If it is more suitable for our client's needs and business processes, we can make a
development decision in favour of a corporate mobile application development instead of web enterprise portal development services. Both these solutions have similar purposes and advantages that mostly coincide but still differ a bit:

Web Portal

  • No need to install
  • Has a web interface
  • Opens via browser
  • Automated updates
  • No need to be deleted to free up space

Mobile App

  • More accessible for a user
  • Less time for development
  • Available off-line
  • Informative push notifications
  • Can use the device features such as camera, microphone, etc.

What Our Clients Say

Key Industries and Success Stories

Fively has proficient knowledge and vast experience in various domains of web portal software development, so here we have listed only a few examples of our expertise:


Public and private schools and universities strive for better education models and want to increase the effectiveness of their learning systems. We help them with eLearning portals, intranets, and online classrooms.

Our specialists like to create catching educational platforms for kids and adults all over the world, check our WebinarNinja case study.

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Companies want to get solutions aimed at protecting personal data, improving customer base management, and streamlining financial operations. We do it by creating portals for insurance policies and personal document management.

We are proud to show you our innovative insurance workflow automation tools, you can find them in Zentist and INZMO case studies.

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Medical centers, laboratories, and hospitals care about the high level of satisfaction of their patients and the total data security. We help them to achieve these goals with EHR systems, patient portals, IHM systems, and personal coaching portals.

Fively has a successful journey with numerous healthcare companies, please check our AviMedical case study.

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Banks and financial companies want to invest in custom solutions aimed at protecting financial data, streamlining interaction with clients, and simplifying financial management. We help them with custom portals for accounts, billing, and financial document management.

We have successfully fulfilled several fintech projects. Feel free to check out financial management accounting system development case study.

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Cyber Security

It is crucial to protect both company and customer information from being misused. We do it by organizing secure access to personal data, smart assets management, customer IAM (identity-access management) automation, and anti⁠-⁠fraud solutions development

Fively software specialists have proven their deep proficiency in cybersecurity technologies, please check out our Uniqkey case study.

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Online shops and marketplaces want to make buying a pleasurable experience both for their customers and employees. We help them by creating b2b marketplaces, trade portals, order management platforms, and online shopping platforms

Our company has vast experience with eCommerce projects. Check out BaronWines and MessageBuy case studies.

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Web Portal Development: Statistics and Facts

Web portals have become essential for business and information management, driven by the demand for personalized content and seamless mobile integration. Advances in AI and machine learning are enhancing portal functionality, leading to smarter data analytics and improved user experiences. Find the hottest statistics on web portals below!

Global reach




Leading Local Web Portal


Revenue comparison






Leading travel portals


B2B Portal Development Benefits

In every of the listed domains, we build web portals software having in mind the following top business priorities for our clients:


Business-tailored functionality

Get a personally created and adapted to your needs web portal.


Streamlined operations

Save your time and resources to perform tasks and find the needed information.


Boosted recognition

Get more customers and increase their trust, becoming one of the best solutions on the market.


Intuitive design

Iimprove data visibility and features usability due to detailed UI/UX testing of each portal.


On-the-go scalability

Increase, modify or change web portals throughput in several minutes with no back-office administration.


Seamless integration

Work with built-in instruments and tools in a unified ecosystem adapted to your business.

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Frequently Asked Questions

What exactly is a web portal solution?

A web portal is a secure online platform, giving access to certain data, options, and functionality via intuitive interface design. It gives the user personalized information on a certain topic, for example, employee training materials, safety manuals, or a unique customer profile to improve the way the company, its employees, suppliers, and customers interact with each other.

What is a customer portal example?

You can find some bright examples of web portals among our niche products: Otomate - an online platform for inventory management, DogQ - software testing automation tool; as well as web portals built for our clients: an insurance billing platform Zentist, a cryptocurrency management tool Stacks, etc. You can also study cases by our web portal development company above on this page to find some more examples of web portals.

What are the different types of web portals?

There are two types of web portals by the principle of their work: vertical or horizontal. Vertical web portals are specific business applications such as service management, accounting, finance, BPM, CRM, ERP, etc., enabling users to monitor, edit and contribute to processes within this application. In horizontal web portals, users can see and manage the data aggregated from multiple applications via a single point of truth, with no need to log in several times. It commonly takes the form of a reporting system with KPIs from various business sources.

By the target audience and respective functions, portals can be either B2B or B2C. The first type is aimed at business-business collaboration, while the last one concentrates on business-user communication.

Divided by domain, our web portal development services can be patient, eCommerce, vendor, eLearning (intranet) portals, community, and collaboration portals. You can get more relevant information on this topic here.

What are the benefits of an online portal development?

The main benefits of web portals are removal of back-office management and optimized operability, improved client-user communication and business partners collaboration, high usability, and 24/7 availability, transparent and real-time data management, company’s KPIs growth and faster time to market, customers loyalty, and higher awareness of the company’s services.

What is the difference between a website and a web portal?

A web portal is a highly functional, dynamic, personalized, and interactive single point of truth with numerous operations on data available to each user, which is often integrated with custom and third-party tools. While a website represents static, informational content, with no personalization and need in authentication, rarely integrated with other systems like CRM, ERP, BPM, etc.

How much does a web portal cost?

Web portal application development costs depend on several factors, such as the chosen design and hosting, the development complexity, the team size, and its expertise, the wanted due date, etc., so the final sum is individual, but in most cases, it starts from 30000$. If you want to know how much a portal will cost in your case, either you can’t decide on the design or the number of engineers needed for the portal, you can always consult our specialists for free on this and any other questions.

How long does it take to build a web portal?

Our team of specialists always works to its full to get each portal working as soon as possible. In every case of portal creation, we discuss timeline preferences and needs individually with the client, but still, you can consider an approximate period of 3-6 months to get your custom portal designed, built, tested, and launched into production by our software specialists.

How do I create a web portal for my website?

If you are a software developer and already have a website, you can build a web portal on your own by following these 8 web portal development steps one by one:

  1. decide on the aim, functionality, and the target audience of your portal;
  2. think of its software architecture and web interface;
  3. choose a technical solution you will use;
  4. upload all the needed web portal development software to your website and install it according to the directions;
  5. customize the web portal according to your set goals;
  6. estimate its UI\UX on user-friendliness, intuitive design, etc. and improve these criteria if needed;
  7. arrange a seria if tests to check whether the final version matches your set goals;
  8. when everything is okay, market your web portal.

If you have any additional questions, please feel free to contact our technical specialists.

What should be in a portal?

The basic functionality that portal software development engineers should consider includes:

  1. the ability for the customers to log in and see the needed information and updates for the day;
  2. a set of options and commands to fulfill the needed operations, for example, to book a ticket, to place an order, or to upload the report;
  3. centralized access to documents and information, quick content search, transparent portal navigation;

Plus to the basic functions, it’s good if the portal web development includes:

  1. an option of communicating with other portal users together with documents, images, and reports sharing;
  2. common access to the needed documentation and simultaneous work therein;
  3. data-driven reports and personal user analytics over the data in the certain categories or time periods.

How do you make a secure web portal solution?

Fively as a custom web portal development company builds secure portals by providing a password-protected single access point, typically via 256-bit TLS security encryption, that lets our clients log into a private portal account enabling them to view, download, edit, and modify the needed data as well as perform numerous actions related thereto. By following cybersecurity best practices and standards in the development of each web portal we can guarantee our clients private access to personal data at different sections of our portals, such as analytical reports, business partners' data, associates, customers' updates, vendor lists, etc.

What are the 5 stages of web portal design?

Web software development is typically divided into the following stages:

  1. project information gathering: company’s industry, niche, target audience, customers, desired project outcomes, and benefits;
  2. compiling a development plan: choosing the right technical stack, software tools, platform, and architecture, as well as the estimation of the needed team size and setting the timeline for the project;
  3. implementation stage: step by step project building by software developers team according to the set timeline for each sprint and the principles of agile development;
  4. testing of the ready-made product: checking whether the final software product work as it expected on multiple devices and browsers types with the help of automated QA testing tools and manual scripts;
  5. launching the website: setting all the needed platform infrastructure for the product to start working on-line.

Which tool is best for a web portal development company?

At Fively we use numerous modern and robust front-end and back-end web portal development software, namely Vue.js, React, Angular, WebAssemply, Node.js, JQuery, Python, PHP, Visual Studio Code, BootStrap, etc. You can also read about the best web portal development tools for eCommerce here.

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