Automation and SI

Automation and Integration Solutions

Fively is a company that offers automation and integration services for businesses. Our experts help reduce manual work and embrace digital transformation.

System Integration Solutions and Services We Offer

Our company will analyze your work environment and help you automate and integrate solutions to get the desired outcome.

Success Stories with System Integration Solutions

If you are considering a project, check out some examples of SI development for our clients from multiple industries.

Identity-Access Management Automation: Uniqkey

Identity-Access Management Automation: Uniqkey

We have created an identity and access management automation system that is recommended for use even by the association of Danish Auditors.

B2B Insurance Claims Automation

B2B Insurance Claims Automation

We have developed an insurance claims automation solution, which robotically validates 80% of all insurance claims with no human involvement.

IT Solutions for the Pharmaceutical Industry: DermSource

IT Solutions for the Pharmaceutical Industry: DermSource

Our specialists created a revolutionizing product platform with custom CMS, promoting IT solutions for the pharmaceutical industry throughout the USA.

Magento CMS Customization: an eCommerce Company

Magento CMS Customization: an eCommerce Company

Fively provided Magento CMS customization services for a company to create a brand-new website with recurring payments integration.

B2B Blockchain Platform Engineering: BloXmove

B2B Blockchain Platform Engineering: BloXmove

The team of business analysts and engineers from Fively participated in the creation of a B2B blockchain powered platform for mobility providers.

A Shopify Case Study. Abandoned Cart Recovery Solution: MessageBuy

A Shopify Case Study. Abandoned Cart Recovery Solution: MessageBuy

A Shopify case study on abandoned cart recovery solution development with personalized SMS notification, that increased consumers' conversion by 40%.

Data-Driven Real Estate Visualization and Property Search Implementation

Data-Driven Real Estate Visualization and Property Search Implementation

Our engineers have built a data-driven real estate platform to help brokers and property owners strike win-win investment decisions in New York.

Insurance Workflow Automation Solution

Insurance Workflow Automation Solution

Fively developed an insurance workflow automation solution that combines all steps from purchasing a policy to filing a claim and makes it a 5-minute procedure.

System Integration Development Approaches We Use

As a SI and automation provider, we apply a specific method, depending on the complexity of integrated systems, number of connections, etc.

Point⁠-⁠to⁠-⁠point model

Also known as a star/spaghetti integration model, it is good for simple data⁠-⁠sharing via middleware and code to connect various systems and apps.

Point-to-Point Model

Hub⁠-⁠and⁠-⁠spoke model

It is one of solutions that involves a centralized point (hub) that supports other integrated systems and apps.

Hub-and-Spoke Model

Enterprise service bus model

It is a lightweight and scalable way to enable automation and integration for a business and provide any number of connections.

Enterprise Service Bus Model

6 Steps of System Integration Development at Fively

We use a 6⁠-⁠step system integration development cycle to provide efficient automation and platform integration services.


Requirements and specifications

We collect requirements before starting digital transformation and SI development.


Architecture design

We create a robust architecture as a part of our automation/integration services.


System integration design

We design a user⁠-⁠friendly solution for automation and integration with a web service.


Integration solution implementation

Custom SI development with APIs integrations and off⁠-⁠the⁠-⁠shelf apps like Shopify.


Testing at system and components levels

We perform QA testing to enable a smooth and effective systems integration process.


Continuous support and management

As a system integration provider, we offer reliable support to our clients.

Don’t Know Where to Begin Your Automation or Integration Project?

Let's get started on your project together in 3 easy steps.

  1. Tell us what problem you would like to solve;
  2. Attach documentation (e.g. project requirements);
  3. Take part in a free consultation with our experienced engineers to get your project estimated.
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Benefits of System Integration and Web Service Integration

Integrated systems allow organizations to automate processes and deliver more value to customers. Explore more reasons for integration with a web service.


Decisions based on accurate data

Automation and integration services allow you to update data everywhere simultaneously and get analytics in real time.


Employee productivity

System integration enables employees to finish more work in less time using all necessary data and apps.



SI development of existing systems can be more cost⁠-⁠effective than building a brand new infrastructure.


Optimization of business processes

Automation integration services cut lots of manual work and allow you to re⁠-⁠allocate resources easily.

Awards and Recognition

Fively is a custom software development company, that has been gaining recognition throughout its existence.


What Our Clients Say

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Frequently Asked Questions

What is system integration (SI)?

SI means bringing together different IT systems, integrated automation and robotics, software applications, and more. Finally, all systems are connected and well-coordinated, making your business processes more efficient.

What does integration development mean?

Integration development means creating complex interactions between applications, systems, programs, etc. An experienced SI software developer can think of the architecture for these integrations and implement them using various programming languages and frameworks.

Is system integration important?

Yes, it is. Lots of organizations throughout the world opt for automation\integration services, and many of them will in the future. It is supported by the fact that the world’s system integration market is predicted to be worth $530 billion by 2025, according to a recent research by Grand View.

What is an example of a system integrator?

In broad IT terms, system integrators are companies that plan, implement, coordinate, test, improve and maintain integrated systems. Is IBM a system integrator, for instance? IBM is among the established companies that provide automation and integration services. The largest system integrators’ examples include Accenture, Systemhouse, Deloitte, and Andersen Consulting to name a few.

Why do I need a system integrator?

System automation and integration services will support your company’s IT demands, from user-friendliness and better productivity, to reduced operating costs and bring more value to customers. In addition, system integration provides opportunities for data security, agility, and innovation.

What are the 4 types of system integration?

Legacy system integration: integrating modern apps with some outdated existing systems.

Third-party system integration: using SI in software development to expand functionality via APIs and different technologies.

Enterprise application integration (EAI): connecting the company’s various IT systems into one.

Business-to-business integration: coordinating systems of two (or more) companies.

What are the 5 system integration methods?

There are a number of ways to coordinate automation and systems integration engineering technology. After gathering your company’s requirements and demands, we analyze the existing systems and come up with a suitable integration method. In general, the 5 system integration methods include:

  • Horizontal integration (connecting IT systems at the same level);
  • Vertical integration (system integration at different levels and sublevels);
  • Star integration(connecting simple systems to save time);
  • Point-to-point integration (another term for star integration);
  • Spaghetti integration (the same as star integration and point-to-point integration).

What are the 3 types of automation?

Fixed automation is used with the hardware and all kinds of equipment that has certain limited configurations. Programmable automation and integration depends on computer programs and a SI developer’s coding skills. Flexible automation is a subset of programmable automation that is performed in less time.

Can integration be automated?

Platform integration services can be successfully performed with the automation processes by using artificial intelligence and other tools. As a result, you are connecting disparate systems and apps in the most efficient way.

Can you integrate CRM and ERP systems?

Yes, we can. Our SI developers successfully integrate CRM solutions to automate client management pipelines, CMS platforms to manage content marketing, ERP systems to coordinate all the company’s information exchange, HRM systems to handle internal HR processes, and other solutions that are part of automation and integration services.

Do you integrate Shopify apps?

Yes, we do. At Fively, you can hire a SI developer with particular experience in Shopify customization and integration. We use SI in software development to integrate reliable eCommerce solutions and bring more value to your online business.

What is the difference between an OEM and an integrator?

OEMs (original equipment manufacturers) provide special technical equipment and know their own processes very well. It is a good choice if you have already settled on a particular brand of automation and integration technology. In other cases, it is worth talking to a system integration company that has extensive experience with a variety of solutions, processes, and equipment.

How do I choose a system integration company?

There are some critical factors worth paying attention to: relevant expertise, sufficient services, and the company’s stability. Check out the portfolio of previous projects related to system integration and automation. Read the clients’ reviews, paying attention to what business areas they come from. Ask the SI developers what tools and methodologies they use and why. And finally, make sure that the IT company can provide all the automation and integration services you require, from assessment to implementation.

What kind of company can benefit from automation and integration services?

SI development and digital transformation are beneficial for any organization: manufacturing, banking, retail, healthcare, transportation, education, governments, etc. SI software development has lots of advantages for medium-sized businesses and big established companies, because it streamlines communications, makes data-sharing procedures easier, provides real-time analytics, and helps improve customer service at all levels.

What is the cost of automation and system integration?

There are different factors that can influence the final cost of your systems integration project. Firstly, think about the complexity of your problem. It will define what kind of work you require: for example, enterprise application integration (EAI) or legacy system integration. Plan your expenses on integration services and consulting services. At Fively, we provide free consultations on automation and integration for organizations, including rough estimations based on the number of connections, data formats, system integration methods, etc.

How to develop SI for my organization?

Here at Fively, we use a multi-step, business-oriented approach that begins with the assessment of demands, methods, and technologies. Using our expertise in automation and systems integration engineering technology, we will provide the right software solutions, digital transformation strategies, integrated systems configuration, acceptance testing,technical support, etc.

What are the five steps in the system integration process?

  1. Requirements gathering through meetings with you.
  2. A comprehensive analysis of the existing systems.
  3. Architecture design and choosing the right system integration method.
  4. SI implementation as the core part of the systems integration process.
  5. Further support and maintenance of integrated systems.

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