
EdTech Software Development

Everyone knows: those who pursue educational efforts are in the vanguard. That’s why quality EdTech software will always be sought⁠-⁠after and cherished, for it’s a doorway to a yet⁠-⁠to⁠-⁠be⁠-⁠explored world of knowledge.

Our Services

We’re lifelong students ourselves and know exactly how to make all education software development services we provide brimming with excellence and professionalism.

Success Stories

We’re undoubtedly great at developing educational software, but this is not our limit. Take a look at the amazing results we’ve achieved in helping businesses have their say on the market.

Social Networking App Development: KnowApp

Social Networking App Development: KnowApp

We implemented a social networking app development project to create a video-based event and content calendar enabling 100% direct celebrities-fans interaction.

E-commerce Platform Development: an Ultimate Online Stores Customization

E-commerce Platform Development: an Ultimate Online Stores Customization

Our specialists created a revolutionizing solution for eCommerce platform development, which allows building your own custom e-store in several minutes.

Daily Prayer Tracker App Development

Daily Prayer Tracker App Development

We created a user-friendly daily prayer tracker app that allows Christian prayers to collaborate, pray and reach common goals, building a like-minded community.

Machine Learning Chatbot Engineering for an AR Company

Machine Learning Chatbot Engineering for an AR Company

Fively's engineers have provided machine learning chatbot development assistance to a large augmented reality platform headquartered in Europe.

Insurance Workflow Automation Solution

Insurance Workflow Automation Solution

Fively developed an insurance workflow automation solution that combines all steps from purchasing a policy to filing a claim and makes it a 5-minute procedure.

Web Platform Customization: WebinarNinja

Web Platform Customization: WebinarNinja

Fively has provided web platform customization for #1 rated webinar platform by HubSpot, which makes it real to start your very first webinar in less than 10 seconds.

What Our Clients Say


EdTech software development is by itself a goldmine of benefits; custom EdTech software is even a greater boon to the prosperity of your business.



Build an EdTech app that reflects your business ideas, personal vision of education, and a unique combination of features.

UX design

Unique UI

Forget about lackluster design: bombastic UI with a personal touch will certainly propel your business towards success.



Build API integrations to connect your EdTech software to other business software, social media, and payment gateways.

Data protection


Keep your software protected by any means of your choice: multifactor authentication, blockchain, biometrics, or maybe something else?



Custom cloud⁠-⁠based apps allow you to adjust your software capacity to the fluctuations of your business needs.



Clients will always prefer the individuality of high⁠-⁠quality custom solutions over the mediocrity of off⁠-⁠the⁠-⁠shelf products.

Software We Develop

Guided by profound tech expertise, our education software development company can create a sophisticated app that is equally beneficial to clients and your business.

Business training software

Employees can enhance their soft and technical skills using cutting⁠-⁠edge Safari Extensions without leaving the workplace.

Self⁠-⁠education applications

Tap into the market of self⁠-⁠education: develop custom EdTech software full of DIYs, guides, and a caring AI assistant.

eLearning platforms

Combine educational courses and a community of fellow learners in one place. And why not enhance it with ML capabilities?

Learning management systems

Bolster the effectiveness of learning processes: add student forums, monitor their performance, and conduct onboarding.

School management systems

Keeping an eye on the school's red tape is too grueling: automate compliance management and all the paperwork with a SaaS app.

Student information software

Assuage the problems of students by creating a robust platform that encompasses every detail of their educational journey.

Course management systemss

Embrace online education at its best: build an expedient online space to check assignments, and create teaching plans.

Need something special?

Get in touch with our engineers!

Business training software

Employees can enhance their soft and technical skills using cutting⁠-⁠edge Safari Extensions without leaving the workplace.

Self⁠-⁠education applications

Tap into the market of self⁠-⁠education: develop custom EdTech software full of DIYs, guides, and a caring AI assistant.

eLearning platforms

Combine educational courses and a community of fellow learners in one place. And why not enhance it with ML capabilities?

Learning management systems

Bolster the effectiveness of learning processes: add student forums, monitor their performance, and conduct onboarding.

School management systems

Keeping an eye on the school's red tape is too grueling: automate compliance management and all the paperwork with a SaaS app.

Student information software

Assuage the problems of students by creating a robust platform that encompasses every detail of their educational journey.

Course management systems

Embrace online education at its best: build an expedient online space to check assignments, and create teaching plans.

Choose a Perfect Tech Stack

The success of perfect custom EdTech software depends on all⁠-⁠faceted collaboration and the diversity of the tech stack we’ve mastered to provide you with a range of options.









AI and ML

Scikit Learn

Development Steps

Fively’s ability to provide exceptional education software development services lies in consistency: we invariably follow the 4 main steps of software creation.


Business analysis

The backbone of successful education software development is a thorough analysis of your business goals and workflow peculiarities.


UX/UI design

$1 spent on UX/UI returns up to $100! This is why we create a design that hits the spot for your target audience.


Software development

The deep expertise of our education software developers and your striking application idea will bloom into a fine, lucrative app.


Quality assurance

To attain true perfection, we review the code and update it whenever it’s needed to keep your app newfangled for years to come.

Let’s develop your educational software together!

Fively has received awards for developing innovative custom software solutions that meet the highest quality standards.

Call to action

Why Work With Fively

We could lure you into choosing our EdTech software company with mellifluous words, but why if we have facts and statistics? And they’re much more trustworthy.

5+ Years

in EdTech industry

Expertise and experience have imbued us with the confidence to provide you with a wide scope of services, from browser extension development to cloud migration.


experienced engineers

We keep our team of education software developers, UX/UI designers, project managers, and DevOps engineers large to deliver your software on time.


are senior specialists

Our ​​EdTech software company tackles the most challenging projects with the profound technical background and dedication of our engineers.


successful projects

We’ve been creating EdTech software of superior quality that begins generating profit and attracting clients from the very launch.

Awards and Recognition

Fively is a custom software development company, that has been gaining recognition throughout its existence.


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Frequently Asked Questions

What is educational software development?

Educational software, or EdTech software, is the tools and programs leveraged for the following purposes:

  • streamlining the learning process for educators;
  • making it more engaging and effective for students;
  • relieving education business owners from time-consuming bureaucratic procedures.

Today, the EdTech industry is worth $340 billion, and the number is purported to grow. The reason is that one of the lessons we’ve learned from COVID-19 is the convenience of remote learning. Combining offline and online education or providing educational courses fully online allows business owners to cut corners on renting an office and save students precious time commuting to classes.

What is an example of educational software?

Edmodo is a modern learning management system (LMS)—an education portal where educators can perform every step of their job routine, including reading and evaluating students’ assignments, making quizzes, and interacting with colleagues and parents.

Kahoot! is a learning platform for educators to create quizzes and teach students through games. The app is widely implemented for the gamification of the educational process, either by online schools or offline classes.

Sure, we can't help but mention the two huge players in the EdTech industry: Udemy and Coursera. They basically function as online marketplaces with educational courses and award students with official certificates upon successful completion.

By the way, IoT is gaining more traction in the field. Today, there are special tools that substitute for a student in a traditional classroom. Through them, students can speak and listen while physically at home.

What type of software is educational software?

Basically, any software that’s involved in the education industry can be considered educational. There are many types of EdTech software:

  • Learning Management Systems embrace the whole range of learning activities that involve teachers and students;
  • Education SaaS apps can offer a solution for workflow automation or notifications about deadlines;
  • Chrome Extensions can be built for annotation of documents and images, time management, scheduling, and real-time collaboration with students;
  • School or University Portals are, in essence, the mediums for the interaction of students and teachers with the databases of one educational establishment. Everyone has their own personal pages, access to private materials, and timetables.

If you have an idea for an educational app, contact us to find the right shape for its realization and receive a free estimation of the project!

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